Awakening (and dealing with the grief as your life totally changes)

When we ‘wake up’ a lot comes with it. I answered a question on this video – here is the question:

“Hi there Michael,
Perhaps you might consider doing a video on the five stages of grief for those who have recently awakened to discover their entire life was a twilight zone reality. lol I have been having a hard time incorporating all this new information the past year. It’s not easy attempting to adjust, trying to stay positive and out of fear while we are grieving the EPIC loss of an entire previous perspective AKA ( life as we knew it ) not to mention the fact that we might be loosing our physicality in a few years. It’s especially challenging when we don’t have folks to talk to who are sharing this new reality. I know that you are well aware that there’s a lot of emotion, tears and even rage being purged on a personal and collective level.

On a lighter note I do love to watch your videos of life in Hawaii all blissed out at level 600 of consciousness 😉

Peace & Love , Lisa”

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